Numerology, the science of force and the secret significance of numbers, is gradually gaining recognition and respect for as a new, broad and open-minded generations, people familiar with her exciting ideas.
The science of numbers belong to ancient times. Among the Aryans and Greeks, Assyrians and Egyptians, we find guidance on the development, which given the number of their actual value and use them in a system of symbolism, which reflects much more than a simple calculation. How true that the figure is a symbol denoting the number, just and true fact that the number displayed in such a way can mean much more than just a number. This we see in chemical experiments, when the two substances, consisting of an equal number of atoms of the same elements manifest completely different chemical properties.
Numerology is not associated with arithmetic, or with the usual symbolism, and explores the numerical values and geometric relationships. This science has its own principles, their own alphabet, their language and technology, and its own meaning.
In antiquity, each more or less advanced culture had its numerological tradition. There were (and perhaps there somewhere still) numerological system India, Arabia, Persia, Palestine, Phoenicia, Chaldea, Babylon, Egypt and China.
Mention of figures and numbers in the Vedas and Upanishads. Chinese believed odd numbers associated with the white color, day, sun, heat and fire. They believed that even numbers indicate darkness, night, moon, cold, water and land. They introduced their culture Phoenician alphabet, their sounds and letters. An early form of exercise, revealing power of numbers is gematrika. It ascribes to each letter of the two values - a sound and a number. The same position is shared by modern numerology. Chinese numerology is now exists under the teachings of Feng Shui.
In the West, have survived three numerological tradition: Pythagorean, Chaldean and Kabbalistic. The Pythagorean system owes its origin to Pythagoras, the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher, who was born about 580 BC. Birth of Pythagoras predicted an oracle who foresaw its beauty and wisdom, as well as the greatest benefit to mankind at all times to come. Already in his youth he was distinguished by his diligent desire to multiply the benefits of its refined upbringing, studied science and arts, leading a special way of life. In 18 years, Pythagoras left home to continue their education in other cities and countries. In 1922 he studied with renowned priests of ancient Egypt. Pythagoras was initiated into the mysteries of life and the universe, which preserved ancient Egypt from the time of the legendary Atlantis. In his 56 years he completed the basic process of his own multifaceted education and returned to his home town of Samos to transfer their knowledge.
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